New Year resolutions, Dry January and 2022, has introduced Veganuary. I am not against any of these, but we put a lot of pressure on ourselves in January. The month where our wallets are lighter, and payday seems a million miles away. But, the one thing we can do at the beginning of the year is to form good habits to give us a more productive, peaceful year ahead.

It takes on average 21 days for something to become a habit and we hear far more about bad habits than good habits so, here are my top 10 good habits to take you through 2022.


Make a to-do list every week

Either on a Sunday or first thing on a Monday morning, plan out your whole week. Include everything from work tasks to when you need to go shopping. I write my to-do list on a Sunday. I find it helps me to sleep better by knowing I have everything planned for the week ahead.

Clear desk policy

If you work for yourself, in an office building or even in a shop, always keep your work area clear of clutter, papers and mugs of half-drunk coffee. Use file trays, binders, pen holders, whatever you can to keep your space clear.

Clean your workspace

The average desktop computer harbours 400 times more bacteria than a toilet seat! Gross, I know. We forget to clean our laptops, mobile phones and keyboards and many of us are guilty of eating at our desks whilst working. Get in the habit of cleaning your work equipment as frequently as you do your bathroom.

Schedule in calls and meetings

One of the biggest distractions can be phone calls, last-minute meetings and messages. Use an online tool such as so people can book in around your schedule and not the other way around.

Organise your inbox

A new year is a great time to get into the habit of filing away emails. Imagine having a clear inbox at the end of your day! Set up online folders, flag important emails and take control of your inbox. It may take a while initially, but it will soon become second nature.

Take advantage of online tools

The internet is crammed full of useful tools to make our lives easier. Think about a task you frequently do and see if there is a tool available to help you do it more efficiently. For example, Asana is a great tool to help with social media planning, Calendly is perfect for scheduling meetings.

Choose healthy alternatives

When planning your week ahead, why not plan your meals and snacks. If you work from home or in an office, it is tempting to snack on crisps or chocolate. Instead, have a steady supply of fruit, rice cakes, yoghurts, breadsticks etc. Your waistline will thank you!

Take breaks and get active

I can’t stress how important it is to take a break away from your workspace. It is not only good for your mental wellbeing it also helps you to stay focused. Go for a walk, get some fresh air, if you work from home, put your favourite song on and have a dance around. Whatever it takes to get you moving about.

Reward and be kind to yourself

January can be somewhat depressing. It’s cold, dark, Christmas celebrations are over, it seems to be the longest month of the year. So, be sure to reward yourself. Book a nice meal or a takeaway, book a holiday for later in the year. Have something to look forward to. You work hard, you deserve a treat. It doesn’t need to cost you money, have a pamper day at home. Enjoy a day off, go and feed the ducks, read that book that you’ve been meaning to start.


Make time every day to power down. Our bodies and minds need a rest for it to re-charge. Try practising yoga, mindfulness, even a bubble bath with calming music before going to bed. It is a fact that de-stressing and having a restful night sleep is essential to our mental health. So go ahead and allow yourself to chill.


