What a year 2021 has been! Who would have thought we would STILL be talking about Covid and its many counterparts? Although Covid has put us all through a huge amount of stress, I believe there have been many positive lessons to take away from it all. We all loved a little deeper, shared our feelings, connected more and learned to work in a new way. For the first time, we stood still and had the opportunity to reflect and appreciate what we have around us.

Professionally, as we adapted to a new way of working, employers have realised that having an office full of staff is no longer always necessary. A new flexible way of working could be the way forwards. Why pay huge amounts for overheads where your employees can work from home? Not only does it save on costs it also helps employees mental health, and let’s face it, helps the planet too!!! For those employers who had to furlough staff, it was a tough time, but the opportunity arose to outsource work instead.

I saw the opportunity to expand my VA business to cope with the growing demand for outsourcing administration. I took on a team of VA’s who overflow with experience in all aspects of admin, sales, marketing, as well as real estate and event management. My client list has grown dramatically and I now have an agency I am truly proud of. I can take on more clients to continue growing, not only in my business but personally too. All in all, I am excited for 2022.

You only need to read the testimonials on my website to know that I am a person with integrity, who goes over and above what is expected of me. I am passionate about supporting my clients, providing exceptional service and my VA’s mirror this. Clients consider them as team members and an integral part of their business model. I owe a huge amount of thanks to everyone who has supported me and the business over the last 12 months. It's humbling to know I have such amazing people around me.

So, what does 2022 hold for me and Sampson VA Services? I am determined to continue to grow my business by taking on even more clients and VA’s broadening our service offering and continuing to deliver an amazing service. I will be taking time to spend with my family, the kids are growing up way too fast! I will also take time for myself to relax and recharge. I think it is so important to look after your mental health and wellbeing. After all, how can you support others if you don’t first, look after yourself!

As we move forwards, the pandemic will be nothing more than something written in a history book and taught in schools. What we can take away is a sense of reaching our goals with new insights, a smarter way of working and a deeper appreciation for what surrounds us, our business, our family, our friends and our associates.

May 2022 be full of prosperity, happiness and good health!

Lisa & The Team

