Welcome to our FAQ page! Here, we have compiled a list of the most commonly asked questions to provide you with quick and easy answers. Whether you're curious about our services, policies, or just looking for some general information, you're in the right place. We understand that you may have specific inquiries and concerns, so we've dedicated this section to address them. If you can't find the answer you're looking for, don't hesitate to reach out to our friendly and knowledgeable team. We're here to assist you and ensure that your experience with us is smooth and satisfying.

What is a Virtual Assistant?

A virtual assistant, also known as a VA, is a professional who provides administrative assistance and support remotely. Utilising an array of communication tools and technologies, such as email, video conferencing, and project management software, virtual assistants are able to perform a wide range of tasks for their clients. These tasks may include managing calendars and appointments, handling correspondence, conducting research, organising files, and coordinating projects. With their strong organisational and multitasking abilities, virtual assistants offer an efficient and flexible solution for individuals and businesses seeking administrative support without the need for an on-site presence. They play a crucial role in streamlining operations, freeing up valuable time, and allowing clients to focus on core responsibilities, ultimately boosting productivity and achieving goals.

What is a Consultant?

A consultant is a professional who provides expert advice and guidance to individuals, businesses, or organisations in a specific area of expertise. Consultants are hired to assist with a wide range of issues and challenges, offering their knowledge, skills, and experience to help clients achieve their goals. They work closely with clients to identify problems, develop strategies, and provide effective solutions. Whether it's in the fields of management, finance, marketing, technology, or any other specialised area, a consultant acts as a trusted advisor, bringing an objective perspective and fresh insights to the table. They often conduct research, analyse data, deliver recommendations, and support implementation efforts. Consultants are known for their ability to offer valuable expertise, problem-solving abilities, and a personalised approach tailored to meet the unique needs of each client.

What is a Lead Virtual Assistant?

With our plans, you will not just be assigned any Virtual Assistant, but a dedicated Lead Virtual Assistant who will become your go-to person for all your business needs. This unique approach allows you to foster a long-term relationship with your Virtual Assistant, enabling them to truly understand you, your work, and your preferences. By submitting tasks directly to your Lead Virtual Assistant, you can communicate effectively and efficiently, ensuring that your needs are met promptly and to your satisfaction. Furthermore, to ensure the success of this partnership, you will have the opportunity to have a monthly catch-up call with Lisa, the Director of Sampson VA Services. This personalised touch gives you the assurance that your business is in good hands and that any concerns or feedback can be addressed promptly.

Who can work with a virtual assistant?

A virtual assistant can work with a wide range of individuals, professionals, and businesses. Entrepreneurs and small business owners can benefit from a virtual assistant's support to manage administrative tasks, scheduling, and email management. Executives and busy professionals can delegate research, travel arrangements, and meeting coordination to a virtual assistant, allowing them to focus on strategic decision-making. Solopreneurs and freelancers can outsource repetitive and time-consuming tasks such as data entry, social media management, and customer support to a virtual assistant, helping them save time and increase productivity. Additionally, individuals seeking personal assistance with organising events, booking appointments, and managing personal finances can rely on a virtual assistant to streamline their daily lives and reduce overwhelm. Overall, anyone looking for efficient and flexible support can find immense value in working with a virtual assistant.

Why should I outsource to a Virtual Assistant or Consultant ?

In today's fast-paced business landscape, outsourcing to a virtual assistant or hiring a consultant can prove to be a crucial asset for individuals and companies alike. By entrusting certain tasks to a skilled professional, one can unlock immense benefits. Virtual assistants offer flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and expertise in various areas, allowing individuals to focus on core business activities. They handle administrative, marketing, and technical tasks remotely, ensuring seamless operations without the burden of hiring and training in-house staff. Likewise, hiring a consultant brings external expertise and fresh perspectives to the table. Their specialised knowledge, experience, and industry insights enable organisations to tackle challenges, identify growth opportunities, implement strategies, and achieve desired outcomes. Whether it's reducing workload or gaining valuable insights, outsourcing to a virtual assistant or hiring a consultant streamlines operations, enhances efficiency, and ultimately drives success.

Will my Virtual Assistant be working on the weekend?

Our team at Sampson VA Services is dedicated to providing excellent virtual assistance services for our clients. As part of our commitment to convenience, we operate during standard business hours, Monday to Friday. However, we understand that our clients have different schedules and deadlines, which is why we offer the flexibility to submit tasks anytime, day or night, whether it's a weekday or a weekend. Rest assured that your assigned Virtual Assistant will receive the task(s) promptly on the following business day to begin working on them. While some of our Virtual Assistants may choose to occasionally complete work outside of standard business hours, it is important to note that there is no expectation for them to do so unless it has been previously agreed upon.

How does holiday allowance work?

Your Virtual Assistant, with their unwavering dedication to your business, understands the importance of considering your schedule when it comes to booking a holiday. They will effectively consult with you, ensuring that peak times for your business are not overlooked while planning your well-deserved break. Rest assured, even during their absence, we have got you covered. We can efficiently arrange skeleton or emergency cover, providing you with peace of mind and seamless operations should the need arise.

How many hours could I have a Virtual Assistant or Consultant each month?

At Sampson VA Services, we understand that the hours you require from a Virtual Assistant or consultant may vary based on your business needs. Thus, we strive to offer flexible arrangements that cater to your specific requirements. If you prefer a fixed monthly engagement, we can provide you with a dedicated Virtual Assistant or consultant available for a set number of hours each month. Whether it's 10, 20, or even 50 hours, we can accommodate your preference and ensure that you have the support you need on a consistent basis. However, our most sought-after package for virtual administrative services entails 30 hours per month. This package has proven to be highly effective for many of our clients, allowing them to delegate various administrative tasks and focus on more strategic aspects of their business. Please keep in mind that these figures are just examples, and we can adjust the number of hours according to your specific needs. Additionally, if you require a combination of services from different experts in our team, we can create a tailored plan that encompasses the right skill sets for your unique requirements.

What does a Virtual Assistant or Consultant cost?

A Virtual Assistant or Consultant provides valuable services to businesses, bringing their expertise and support to meet various needs. The cost of hiring a Virtual Assistant or Consultant can vary depending on several factors:
Experience and Expertise: Virtual Assistants or Consultants with specialised skills and extensive experience may charge higher rates. Their expertise in areas such as marketing, copywriting, project management, or social media can command a premium.
Scope of Services: The cost will also depend on the range and complexity of services required. Basic administrative tasks, such as email management or scheduling appointments, may cost less compared to services that require in-depth research, data analysis, or strategy development.
Time Commitment: Many Virtual Assistants or Consultants offer flexible arrangements, charging either hourly or project-based rates. Hourly rates can vary depending on the VA's location, level of expertise, and the expected time commitment. Project-based rates are often quoted based on the estimated time required and complexity of the project.

When considering the cost of hiring a Virtual Assistant or Consultant, it's important to remember the benefits they bring to your business. By outsourcing tasks or consulting with professionals in specialised areas, you can save valuable time and focus on core business activities. Ultimately, the cost of hiring a Virtual Assistant or Consultant should be viewed as an investment in the productivity and growth of your business.

Many Virtual Assistants charge different rates. This can be down to the location, currency and experience. In the UK, for an experienced Virtual Assistant or Consultant the cost ranges between £30-£50 per hour for a Vitual Assistant and Consultancy pricing vary on the services offered as many quotes are tailored to the clients needs.

What systems can a Virtual Assistant use?

Virtual Assistants are highly skilled professionals who are well-versed in using a wide range of systems in their day-to-day tasks. These systems include Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, scheduling tools, Microsoft Office applications, G-Suite, cloud storage platforms, accounting software, and numerous others. Our dedicated team of Virtual Assistants is not only proficient in using these systems but is also adaptable to working with new ones. Even if they haven't previously worked with the specific systems you use, they are more than willing to learn and become proficient in order to meet your unique needs. Rest assured, our Virtual Assistants are well-equipped to seamlessly integrate with your existing technology stack, providing you with the utmost support and efficiency.

How do I pay for my Virtual Assistant?

We provide a convenient and efficient invoicing system that ensures proper payment for our services. To guarantee a smooth process, we kindly request our clients to make payments in advance before we commence any work each month. Whether it's through a seamless bank transfer or the secure payment platform of Stripe, we offer multiple options to accommodate our clients' preferred method of payment. Rest assured, our commitment to professionalism and client satisfaction extends to every aspect of our business, including the invoicing process.