Imposter syndrome has a tendency to strike at the most inopportune moment and its grip can be crushing. Invading thoughts prevent us from achieving our goals, meeting deadlines or failing to produce quality work when we know, deep down, we are capable of achieving far more. 

Truth is, even the most successful people have suffered at one time or another with imposter syndrome and it's nothing to worry about as long as you tackle it head-on. The mind is a powerful asset as long as you take care of it. 


What is imposter syndrome?

Imposter syndrome (Noun) is the persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one's own efforts or skills. 

Simply, it is your brain telling you that you aren’t good enough. It’s a horrible feeling but one that you don’t need to put up with. 


Recognise when imposter syndrome is creeping in. Are you just having a rubbish day or have you been feeling like this for a while? Once you know, that it is in fact imposter syndrome, you can do something about it. 


Speak to someone who will boost you up. This may sound superficial but it really isn’t. Vocalising how you are feeling gets the thoughts out of your mind and out in the open. Speak to a family member, partner or colleague and tell them how you feel, a good supportive person will no doubt go on to tell you how truly amazing you are. 


If you work alone, try networking. It is easy to fall into the trap of getting stuck in your own head if no one is around to talk to. Networking is a great way of professionally socialising and with any luck, you will get some great leads. If networking isn’t for you arrange to meet a friend for coffee. 


Make a list of your successes and achievements. Keep the list updated and refer back to it whenever you are feeling a bit vulnerable. Remembering all of the great things that you have achieved is much easier if it is visual.


Ask your clients for testimonials. This is a great opportunity to hear directly from the horse’s mouth that they believe in you and your abilities. Make sure that you share your testimonials on your website, social media etc. Testimonials aren’t just there to boost your confidence; they support your professional successes. 


Read blogs and comments about it. Learn how others avoid imposter syndrome and what they do if it begins to creep in. You are not the first or the last to feel like this so learn from those who have dealt with it before. 


Take a break. Have a day off and clear your mind. Do something that relaxes you. Go for a walk, to a spa, to the hairdresser, have a bit of retail therapy or curl up with a good book. Allow yourself to switch off completely. Your mind will be much fresher the next day. 

Understand that perfection is unachievable constantly. If you are a perfectionist, you may find yourself suffering from imposter syndrome regularly because anything less than 100% is a failure. Absolutely no one is perfect and no one expects you to be. It’s probably only you who is putting the pressure on you. Try to let go of what isn’t important and give yourself a break. 


Give yourself a stern talking to. Tell yourself off! And say it aloud. Remember that you are awesome and you can achieve anything!!!!


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