What Is Blogging?

Blogging is all about creating enticing content that captivates the reader relevant to your topic of choice. Some people blog for fun or as part of a hobby in areas of specific interest to them. For example, if you are an avid baker then you might enjoy blogging about different cake recipes and want your readers to be those who share your passion. Blogging is also a valuable tool that businesses use to create content to help them to engage more with their target audiences. For instance, an owner of a Florist shop might want to blog about tips on how to do flower arranging to help out an audience that they are trying to attract and engage with.

Why Blogging helps your business

Do you ever wonder if blogging is beneficial for your business? There are many ways in which blogging can help.

  • It allows you to create content relevant to your business on a different platform to help you engage with your target audience in a different way.

  • Blogs allow the option for people to comment. Therefore this could allow you to start to build up new relations with potential new clients.

  • Blogging provides the opportunity to make your website more useful to those customers using it.

  • The content from a blog helps to boost the SEO on your website, making it easier for people to find you.

  • They can be easily updated to adapt to the changes that might be going on with your business. This helps to keep the reader up to date with all the latest information and even more informed than before.

  • Once your blog has been created you can promote it over your social media channels, on your website, and even tell everyone on your email list all about it. This provides new ways for your target audience to engage with you and possibly share your content for you as well.

  • There are opportunities to attract new followers if your blog content is engaging and it helps to build trust with those who love to read your content.

How to get started with blogging

To get the most out of the opportunities that blogging could give your business it is important to start on the right track. Here are some ideas to help get you started.

Plan your content

Spend the time planning what you are going to blog about. Think about the topics that you will be blogging about and how they link with your business and what you offer. Do you plan to solve your reader’s problems? How exactly is your content going to help them?

Keyword Research

Always make sure that you have included relevant keywords into your content. This is important because keywords are how your readers will find your blog when they do that “google” search. For instance, if someone wanted to know about how to bake a cake, you need to think about how they would search for that when they type into google. 

They might put How to bake a cake or ways to bake a cake or bake a cake. Do your research and experiment based on the topic you are blogging about. Then ensure that these keywords are used throughout your blog content, especially in the title and any subheadings. This will help your blog to stand out to google and may even help to improve your google ranking.

Have a clear message

Having a clear message is so important. If you are not sure about what the overall message of your blog is going to be, then how can you expect your reader to understand. Think about ways to grab the reader’s attention whilst keeping them engaged. 

Be helpful

Think about how useful and helpful you can be. Writing some how-to, top tip blogs or guides are great ways to help your readers find solutions to a problem that the reader might have.

Include Useful Links

Ensuring that you have included some useful links to other content or sites is helpful to your reader. It saves them time researching for things themselves and shows that you care by going that extra mile.


This is one of the more obvious but presenting your blog well makes it eye-catching to your audience and they will immediately want to find out more. Making it easy to read is also important. If the content is difficult to follow or tricky to understand the reader will get bored and go somewhere else to find what they are looking for.

Be Authentic

Write in the style that you feel comfortable with. By simply being yourself you will help the reader to feel more connected to who the blogger is and you are much more likely to attract your ideal client that way.

If you are interested in blogging then there are some helpful blogging tools out there like blogging.com or Wordpress

So now you know what blogging is and how it can get your business seen by a wider audience. It’s not as complicated as it sounds, and it’ll take a little practice, but with consistency and honesty, you’ll get there!

How will you get started? Let us know what your first blog will be in the comments.


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