My Top Tips To Get Organised At Work

Setting aside time to get organised will free up so much of your time during the week. Making a plan will help not only clear your desk but clear your mind too. You will feel much more in control if last minute issues arise and able to sleep better knowing that you have everything organised.


  • Make a to do list for the week on a Sunday or latest Monday morning. By making this your very first job before you face the week will give you a visual plan of your week. Clearing this from the mind definitely helps when it comes to Sunday night sleeplessness.

  • Cluttered desk, cluttered mind. Treat yourself to a spring clean. File away all paperwork, documents and folders. Don’t forget the folders on your computer. File away emails, delete unwanted files and clear up your desktop.

  • Remove distractions. Many of us are still working from home and distractions aren’t always avoidable, however, try to be strict about allowing them. Hang a notice on the door for the kids saying when you will be done and if they are good, a treat awaits. Bribery for sure, but it works!

  • Unplug the phone occasionally. If you are working on a project and needing to concentrate, take your phone out of the equation. Put it on silent while you work and let calls go to voicemail. Be strict on when you look at it. Every 30 mins for example. Our phones are a huge temptation leading us to lost hours to social media or answering calls and messages that can wait.

  • Use a calendar planner for people to book calls with you. Encouraging clients to use this will not only help you plan your week but will make you feel more in control of your working week.

  • Say no. If there is something tempting you away from your work or you haven’t planned for it then say no. Very often, we try to please everyone at the expense of our time, jumping on things immediately. Of course, there are things that can’t be avoided but if they can be done at a later time, then say no you can’t do it at the moment, but will schedule it into your plan for a later time. 

  • Begin your week with the right mindset. Showing up to work first thing on a Monday morning with Monday morning blues, will not only set the tone for the week, it will pull others around you down. Start by listing the things you are going to achieve this week and how you will treat yourself when it is all done.

  • Have a break. The main problem with not having regular breaks from work is that the clarity of a situation becomes less and less clear. Giving yourself a well-earned break is good for the mind and soul and should never be underestimated. You will find you are far more productive after a good break. Make sure to schedule this time into your to do list!!!

  • Involve others – Once we vocalise a plan it becomes more real. So, tell your partner and peers that you are going to get organised and get sh*t done! It will make you far more focussed and determined to actually ‘get organised’.

  • Reward yourself – You have some free time at last. Your organisational planning has worked and all of a sudden you have gained control of your working week, know what is coming up next week and raring to go. Go ahead, treat yourself, you are amazing!


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