How To Get Motivated
There is nothing worse than feeling a lack of motivation to get things done. It generally happens around the time when you really need to get things done! The colder, darker nights will be here soon. I don’t know about you, but sometimes it's a struggle to get out of my nice warm bed in the morning.
We all experience a lack of motivation at some point or another but there are things that you can do to get yourself back into the right frame of mind again. Here are my top ten tips to reboot your mojo.
Break down tasks into manageable pieces. For example, instead of saying I need to clean the house from top to bottom, just focus on one room at a time. Before you know it, you’re done. Cut out what you don’t need to do. There is no point in overloading yourself with tasks if some are unnecessary.
Put yourself in a positive mindset. Give yourself a talking to in the morning. For example, say ‘today is going to be a great day’. Pair this with gratitude ‘I have my health and my family and a roof over my head’. If you start off thinking that the day is going to be a disaster then it pretty much will be!
Let yourself recognise how you are feeling and accept how you feel. Don’t beat yourself up. It’s perfectly normal to feel a little low sometimes. Be kind to yourself and allow this feeling to pass, because it will!
Remind yourself what feeling motivated looks like. If you can think of a time where you got everything done, were completely organised, accomplished everything you set out to do, try to remember that amazing feeling.
De-clutter. Believe it or not, our surroundings tend to echo our feelings. If your room is cluttered and in disarray, chances are your thoughts will be too. If you are trying to get motivated to de-clutter, make smaller piles of what needs to be sorted and do each pile bit by bit. Don’t be tempted to pull out everything from your cupboards to sort out. Do one cupboard at a time.
Have a break. Take a break from social media, watching the news etc. These can have a serious negative effect on you if you are struggling to motivate yourself. Get out and take a walk. Breath in the fresh air and empty your mind for a while.
Look to who inspires you. Maybe you have a friend or someone famous that inspires you. If you have a friend who is always upbeat and makes you feel good about yourself, give them a call. If it's someone famous, catch them on YouTube or read their book.
Listen to your favourite music, sing at the top of your lungs and have a dance around. Breaking the situation that you are in, can lift your mood instantly.
Take a day off. The world will not end if you don’t manage all of your tasks. Make sure that you aren’t letting anyone down (guilt is not a motivation bedfellow) and take a day off to do what you want to do.
Celebrate the things that you do achieve!
Now you are ready to take on the world! Good luck