How To Avoid Burnout As A Business Owner

Burnout is a lot more than feeling a little tired. It is a complete mental and physical shut down and your body’s way of telling you to STOP. Burnout might initially begin as feeling a bit stressed, but left to its own devices, can develop into complete burnout. 


The symptoms of burnout

 Feeling tired or exhausted

  • Feeling stressed, headaches, achy joints

  • Difficulty focussing and making decisions

  • Inability to do your job properly/lack of concentration

  • Lack of, or no motivation to do anything

  • Insomnia or difficulty staying asleep


How to avoid burnout

As a business owner, you may feel like you have no other option but to keep going but ultimately it is counter-productive. You wear many hats, so if you don’t do the work, who does? Clients rely on you, and so do employees, family etc. But, if you don’t recognise how, you are feeling and do something to tackle it, your burnout will have a greater impact on your clients, employees and family. 


Recognise how you are feeling

Just because you are the boss, it’s okay to admit that you need a little extra support. Women tend to be better at recognising the feeling of stress earlier than men do, but burnout can happen to even the most resilient person. 



If you can delegate work then do it. Give employees extra responsibilities. If you are the only one in your business, outsource all of your administration to a virtual assistant to lighten the load. Don’t feel like you have to do everything yourself. 


Say NO

It’s okay to say no. If you are feeling overwhelmed and either up to capacity or don’t feel like you have the energy to do something, then just say no. Even social events, if you are not up to it then decline the invite. 


Prioritise sleep

Sleep is crucial for both our physical and mental well-being. While you sleep you are in recovery mode. If you are struggling to sleep, try listening to soothing music. Take a cup of cocoa to bed with you. Switch off all devices a solid hour before going to bed. It’s tempting to pick up your phone and go on social media before you sleep but this will only start your mind racing. 


Try a relaxing activity

Go for a walk, do yoga, do Pilates, meditate, read a book for pleasure, or take a bubble bath. Whatever activity makes you feel the most relaxed. Schedule in time to make sure that you are taking time out. Physical activity is great for waking up your body as well as your mind. There is no need to join a gym or enter into a marathon, gentle gardening can be equally as beneficial. 


Get organised

It might be the last thing that you feel like doing but throwing out unnecessary items can act as a release. Clear your desk space and work area of clutter. Take time to organise your files both physical and on your computer. Write a to-do list ahead of time instead of thinking about what you need to do. That way, each day you have a clear direction of what you want to achieve.


Seek help

Either seek help from a professional or talk to those closest around you. Often speaking out loud about how you are feeling can immediately help you to feel better. Join an online group dedicated to helping business owners. Guaranteed, someone will have dealt with how you are feeling now. 


Stay social

Grab a coffee with a friend, call a family member, set up a family dinner, with anyone none work-related and only those who leave you feeling positive. We all have that one negative friend, so avoid them for a while until you feel better equipped to deal with them. 


Don’t lean on anything bad for you

You might be tempted to reach for the 4th glass of wine, overeat/skip meals, self-medicate etc, but all this does is intensify how you are feeling. Instead, treat yourself to something special. You deserve it. 


Remind yourself of your successes

When you are feeling this way, it is very easy to only focus on the negative which is why, taking some time out to remember your successes, strengths and abilities will remind you that this is only temporary. 


Have something to look forward to

Having something to look forward to will help you to focus on the longer term. Book a holiday or a week off to do something nice. Take time out away from your work. When you return you will feel fresher and clearer in your mind. 


Remember, it's okay to not feel okay.


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