3 Work Life Balance Tips While Working From Home

In most cases being able to leave work at work is completely possible. When you work in an office you are able to compartmentalise work into one area and family into another area and they don’t mix. When working from home that isn’t the case.

Working from home, although it gives you the freedom to work when and where you want, it can hinder your work-life balance. That freedom is what many people enjoy when working from home but learning the best time management strategies to have a nice balance is hard.

I have developed 3 tips to help you have the work-life balance of your dreams. You will be able to work from home with ease and have time to enjoy your family. I use these tricks as I work from home as a virtual assistant.

1. Get Organised

Organisation is the key to success. Come up with a daily to-do list for work and one for family. Don’t overwhelm your list by having 10 things to do for each. The best thing to do is to pick 3 things to do. If you have more time after getting them done than work on something for the next day!

Your lists can be on what needs to be completed first, what will take the most time, and what has multiple components. The goal of a to-do list is to help you get organised and feel accomplished as you cross things off. Sticking to 3 in each category will help you feel more successful and confident in your ability to have a great work-life balance.

2. Develop a Routine

Routines help us know what to expect from our day. If you are spending your day right now flying by the seat of your pants, your work-life balance is going to be out of wack. Thankfully, it is fixable! 

When developing a routine have a general outline of what your day is going to look like. Wake up at the same time. Go to bed at the same time. Have a designated work time and designated family time. That last part is especially important if you are just getting started working from home.

With your routine, you will also need to talk to your family about it. It might be as simple as “I need to work for 1 hour, so you need to do X, Y, Z.” Being clear on your needs and routine will help everyone in the family get used to you working from home.

3. Designated Office Space

Having a specific area for you to work with signals your mind that this is work time. If you do your work from the couch where you watch tv or the kitchen table where you eat, you are confusing yourself on what you need to be doing in these areas.

Perhaps your office space is a desk in your living room. Maybe it is even a small corner of your extra bedroom. Wherever you think you’ll be able to do your best and focused work, do it there. Did you know you get tax benefits if you have a designated office space for your work? If you can make that happen - do it!

With these three tips, I know you will be on the road to a successful work-life balance. Get organised, set up a routine, and get that specific office space to do your work and you’ll be amazed at all that you can get done!

Working from home as a virtual assistant I have needed to learn and utilise these skills so that I can balance work and life while working from home. These 3 tips have helped me become successful at work and my family is happier! 

What do you struggle with when working from home? Let me know below!


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